8-15-03 (Español)

Kassandra G. Espinoza

Verse 1:
Fuen en un dia soleado, Anaheim California
la raza se reunieron for la nena iba naciendo.

Era un milagro, no podían creerlo
traen la nena en brazos y el que sigue ve en camino.

Verse 2:
No es facil ser papás, criando dos chamacos
sus comportamientos desafían a lo normal.

La madre a toda madres, ella no se raje
mientras el jefe va chambeando ella nos trae a prisa

Desde evento tras evento nos traía vagueando
Luchando nuestros derechos educaciónarios

Los tropiezos de la vida las (va) manejando
Esta dama no se raje solo se sabe rifar

Verse 3:
Ya vamos creciendo, yo en la adolescencia
Allí la voy rifando en la Wy'East y en el Green Valley

La chamba no fue fácil y aun con el COVID
pero lo logre y me gradué allí con honores

Aun con mis defectos no me plasmo y voy delante
Niña tímida y tierna tiene un character fuerte

Los tropiezos de la vida las voy manejando
Esta dama no se raje solo se sabe rifar.

Que pase la graduada voy a seguir adelante con mis triunfos con la vida adulta

La primera de mi herencia formo ejercer una carrera en la universidad

18 años voy cruzando la frontera de la niñez pasando la linea adulta

Pero hija de dos padres cien por cientos Mexicanos no les importa saber mi estado adultéz si por ellos me enjaulan en la etapa niñez y me tengo que huir.

Verse 4:
19 años, consegui un trabajo
y por lo menos conseguí el permiso de manejar.

Manejo yo mi tiempo de la escuela y la chamba
vendito a Dios con buenos grados la supe rifar.

Pre Chorus:
Poco a poco y mis jefes me dejaran volar
y de a poco esta paloma pronto volara

Los tropiezos de la vida las voy manejando
Esta dama no se raje solo se sabe rifar

Ending Phrase:
Ya con esta me despido, la vida es para aventajar.

(English) Note: This was hard to translate.
Verse 1:
'Twas on a sunny day, Anaheim California, the pack hurdled 'round to see the newborn baby child.

It was a miracle, they couldn't believe it. The baby's in their arms, while the other one's on its way.
Verse 2:
It ain't easy being parents, raising two little rascals. their behaviors defy what is considered as normal

The mom being a super mother, she won't even quit
while the boss is off to work she has us in a rush


from events and towards events she has us up and down
fighting and advocating for our educational grounds

Through the trips in life she find the way to maneuver over it

This lady ain't know how to quit, she only knows how to ace it.

Now we're growing up, living the adolescence, and therefore I'm acing in the Wy'east and in Green Valley

The hard work ain't easy, especially though COVID, still I was honor role and got to walk on my graduation.

Growing up with flaws I still won't quit I move on forward

This shy and timid girl has attitude that's fierce and bolder.



Cheers to the graduate student, she will keep moving on forward with her triumphsexploring the adult life

She's the first generation to earn a higher education forming a career in the University

As she turns 18 one foot's leaving childhood and the other one is crossing the border to adult life

But daughter of two parents who are 100% Mexican it don't mean a thing that she's grown up if it were for them they'd trap me in my childhood ways and therefore I'll find a way to escape and leave.

Verse 4:
Now at age 19 getting a glimpse of the workforce
and at least I earned my permit so that I can drive

Managing my time between my job and studies
I thank the Lord my grade stayed high and yet I am still thriving

Pre Chorus:
Time by time and both my parents are letting me fly

And with troubles this dove will learn to fly unto the sky


Now for my goodbye I'll leave by saying that life is meant for us to thrive.